Escada, Pernambuco

Escada is a city in northeastern Brazil, in the State of Pernambuco, with 62.604 inhabitants according with IBge 2009.




The main economic activities in Escada are based in general commerce and primary sector especially sugarcane with 384.000 tons of production in 2007.

Economic Indicators

Population [1] GDP x(1000 R$).[2] GDP pc (R$) PE
62.604 233.562 3.902 0.39 %

Economy by Sector 2006

Primary sector Secondary sector Service sector
7.34 % 18.80 % 73.86 %

Health Indicators


HDI (2000) Hospitals (2007) Hospitals beds (2007) Children's Mortality every 1000 (2005)
0.645 2 168 18.6
